Monitoring and Alerting

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General Description

The Monitoring and Alerting component is responsible for allowing users to collect data, eg KPIs and other data points from machines, infrastructure, and zApps. The component is also responsible for alerting users and other ZDMP components in case a KPI get out of defined limits, reducing the impact of crises and losses to smart factories.

The different KPIs delivered via the platforms message bus can be configured to be stored in the Storage Component to collect historic data. If historic data is collected, different choices of histograms are presented for the user to choose how the data should be presented.

To be able to notify about potential problems, users can define limits for data points, as well as qualifiers (eg energy consumption is ‘larger than’ & ‘100 kWh’) to trigger alerts, ie SMS, emails, push notifications as well as calls to HTTP endpoints when these limits have been crossed for the first time. These limits are used as goals (for example by Autonomous Computing) where a process can be started if this limit is not reached.

Additional alerts can be sent if the component has not sent a response after a defined time has passed. The receivers should be able to check that the problem has been recognized so the system knows it is already being acted on. If this has not happened after passing a critical value, the system notifies other receivers. A reset timeframe can be created, to indicate a duration in which the data point must be back within the regular defined value to be able to trigger the alert again.

Resource Location
Source Code Link
Latest Release Vs 1.0.0
X Open API Spec Link
Video Link
Further Guidance None
Related Datasets None
Additional Links None
Generation date of this content 06 April 2021


The following images are illustrative screenshots of the components:

Component Author(s)

Company Name ZDMP Acronym Website Logo
Ascora GmbH ASC

Commercial Information

Resource Location
IPR Link Monitoring
Price [For determination at end of project]
Licence [For determination at end of project]
Privacy Policy [For determination at end of project]
Volume license [For determination at end of project]

Architecture Diagram

The following diagram shows the position of this component in the ZDMP architecture

Figure 20: Position of Component in ZDMP Architecture


  • Collect various type of data, eg KPIs and other type of data from machines, sensors, infrastructure and zApps by subscribing to topics in the message bus

  • Create KPIs and watch its value changes occurring through time

  • Store the collected data and KPIs in the Storage component and allow to use it for analyses purposes

  • Notify users when KPI’s values are not within the defined conditions reducing the impact of failures and crises to smart factories

  • Create and send alerts to user in the form of emails or notifications

  • Use Grafana to compose observability dashboards with data from Prometheus


This component offers the following features:

  • Create KPIs

  • View KPI’s Historic Data

  • Create Alert

  • Create Message Template

  • Send Notification / Send Alert

Create KPIs

Allow the user to create KPIs to extract important values from the data transmitted through the Message Bus. The user needs to specify through which topics the data is extracted from.

View KPI’s Historic Data

Allow the user to see the KPI data and the changes that occurred through time using Grafana and Prometheus.

Create Alert

Allow the user to create Alerts to notify users when the KPI’s values are not within the expected by quality standards or in any other situations where the user wants to be notified if the KPI values meets a certain criterion.

Create Message Template

Allow the user to create a rich text message using KPI properties, like description inside the template to provide a complete message with pertinent real time information.

Send Notification / Send Alert

Allow the user to send an email directly to one or more users, without the need of an alert to do so. This feature is only available in the API and not in the UI, since this feature is intended for other API’s use and not human use.

System requirements

Hardware Requirements:

  • 2 CPUs
  • 8GB RAM

  • 64GB disk space

Software Requirements:

  • Docker

Associated ZDMP services



The Monitoring and Alerting component is installed via docker-compose, for that a server for the email credentials and the message bus component credentials is also needed:

  1. Download the latest docker-compose file from ZDMP’s GitLab


  1. Add the environment variable values. Choose the way to do it following the instructions from docker:

As an example, create a file named ‘.env’ in the same folder of the docker-compose file, with the following information:














The TIME_BETWEEN_NOTIFICATIONS_FROM_SAME_ALERT is a value in milliseconds used when the value of a KPI dispatches an Alert, and the KPI value was changed again and would trigger the alert again, a new alert is sent only after TIME_BETWEEN_NOTIFICATIONS_FROM_SAME_ALERT milliseconds from the last alert sent.

  1. Install and start the component by executing the following command:

docker-compose up -d

How to use

The Monitoring and Alerting component can be used through an API or a friendly user interface.


A KPI references a data value that holds a significant meaning for the user, as an example, the length of pencil produced by an automatic machine. As the length of the pencil is one of the keys to measure the quality of the production, we can create an KPI of the length of the Pencil. To create a KPI, the following is necessary:

  • Description to identify the KPI

  • Message Bus topics that should be used to extract the KPI value

  • Data format expected and the query used to extract the data. The possible data types are JSON and XML

Follows is an example, which extracts the length of the pencils produced:

Figure 21 – Create new KPI

The Query is composed of a JSONpath for Json data and xPath for XML data.

After the KPI is created, the item appears in the KPI List View, and is available to be used to create Alerts, or in other components that uses the list of KPI’s saved:

Figure 22 – KPI List View


One or more conditions can be applied to KPI’s to ensure the quality of the products, and in case a KPI value indicates a quality failure an Alert can be sent to one or more users. Following the pencil example, an alert can be created when the length of the pencil is outside the range delimited by quality standards.

To create an Alert, the following is necessary:

  • Description to identify the alert.

  • Condition that compares the values of one KPI.

  • When more than one condition is provided, a logic query identifying the relation between the conditions needs to be provided. (See example bellow)

  • Message to be sent when the conditions are matched.

  • One or more users to receive the message when the conditions are matched.

The following example alerts a user when the length of the produced pencil is out of the range delimited by quality standards:

Figure 23 – Create new Alert – Part 1

The Conditions query must be formulated using the conditions identifiers and the logical operators available in the drag and drop UI.

The alert message can include data from the KPI at the time the alert was sent, the buttons in the upper area are used to add these values, like the KPI ID, value, or description:

Figure 24 – Create new Alert – Part 2

After the Alert is created, the item appears in the Alert List View, and the conditions start to be monitored by the component:

Figure 25 – Alert List View

When the conditions are matched, an e-mail is sent to the users:

Alert email received

Figure 26 – E-mail sent by Alert

Push Gateway

The Push Gateway instance can be accessed at http://localhost:9091. The Push Gateway sends the KPI value update to the Prometheus instance, making it available also on Grafana.

Whenever a KPI value is updated, this value is sent to Prometheus, having the following information:

  • Job: kpiUpdate

  • Instance: [kpiId]

  • Labels:

    • kpiDescription: [kpiDescription]

    • kpiValue: [kpiValue] (this label is only present when the KPI value is not a numeric value)

  • Metrics:

    • kpi_value: [kpiValue] (when the KPI value is a numeric value)

    • kpi_value: [updateTime] (when the KPI value is not a numeric value)

Users can also use the Push Gateway to add additional values to be monitored by Prometheus. As a note, the push gateway only accepts numeric metrics, both integer and float are valid. More information about how to use the push gateway can be found in the official documentation and in this tutorial.

Follow an example of the Push gateway dashboard, where the KPI Pencil Production had an update where the value is 12.8:

Figure 27 – Push gateway dashboard


The Prometheus instance can be accessed at http://localhost:9090. Prometheus receives data from the Push Gateway that can be used in the queries and alerts, the metric for the KPI updates is kpi_value.

More information about how to use Prometheus can be found in the official documentation.

Follow an example of the Prometheus query panel, with values sent by the Push gateway, where the KPI Pencil Production had an update where the value is 12.8:

Figure 28 – Prometheus Query Panel


The Grafana instance can be accessed at http://localhost:3000. Grana can compose observability dashboards, query, visualize, alert on, and explore the metrics received from Prometheus.

More information about how to use Grafana can be found in the official documentation.

Follow an example of the Grafana panel, with values collected from the Prometheus instance:

Figure 29 – Grafana Panel

Last modified November 4, 2021